Living, Learning, and Laughter: My FPGEE Exam Experience

Living, Learning, and Laughter: My FPGEE Exam …

As you may already know, life has a funny way of throwing us into situations that sound absolutely absurd, yet somehow end up being the most enriching experiences. One such wild ride for me was preparing for and taking the…

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The Road Less Traveled: An Inspiring Journey to Missoula, Montana

The Road Less Traveled: An Inspiring Journey …

Last week, my journey began not on the open road, but in the treasured memories of 2000 when we both enrolled in pharmacy school in the Philippines. This was a time when life was fresh with discovery and the unknown.…

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Cultural Differences in Pharmacy Practice: What Foreign Pharmacists Need to Know

Cultural Differences in Pharmacy Practice: What Foreign …

Pharmacy practice is an essential component of healthcare worldwide, but it can vary significantly across different countries. For foreign pharmacists seeking to practice in a new cultural setting, understanding the nuances of pharmacy practice and the cultural differences that may…

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Conquer the Ultimate Family Road Trip: A 7-Day Plan to Explore 3 National Parks & More!

Conquer the Ultimate Family Road Trip: A 7…

Get ready for the adventure of a lifetime with this action-packed itinerary from Minnesota to Yellowstone, Arches National Park, and beyond! Are you ready to turn your family road trip into an unforgettable adventure? We’ve got the perfect 7-day plan…

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My Journey to a Bachelor’s of Science in Clinical Pharmacy: March 2009

My Journey to a Bachelor’s of …

March 2009 marked a significant milestone in my life – graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Clinical Pharmacy from the University of the Immaculate Conception (UIC). This degree has opened the door to my dream of becoming a US…

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